It’s 1995 and you’re blown away by Microsoft’s Windows 95. The five minutes to boot up the computer seems like merely a couple minutes to you. Fast forward to 2016 and you have a computer that takes 15 seconds to start up; and fits in the palm of your hand.
Technology has transformed almost every facet of our lives. The most sustainable businesses find ways to utilize technology to adapt their operations and improve efficiencies. Are you doing the same with your small business?
One of the most common killers of small businesses is an inefficient operation – it takes you two hours to accomplish what other businesses can accomplish in one. As the old saying goes, time is money. If you’re wasting time, you’re leaving profitable dollars on the table. So what software should small service businesses utilize? The quick answer is software that’s easy to use and which thrives in a multi-screen world. We’re no longer using a single device every day. The ability to view information about your business no matter where you are is a vital piece of the puzzle.
Below are some of our top choices for products that fit the bill:
FieldPulse is designed for small contracting businesses to schedule jobs, manage customers, create estimates and invoices, track employee time, and more using this simple app. With real-time updates, you can dispatch your employees to last minute jobs with a single touch. You can also manage customers and projects at any time. It’s an all-in-one solution for contractors, on any device. The FieldPulse team openly encourages feedback and is consistently keeping up with changing technology trends.
How many times are you going to forget to e-mail yourself that document? Dropbox is a simple file storage app. By keeping your important files in a Dropbox, you can access them from anywhere – and on any device. You can also share folders with those who don’t have a dropbox, meaning you no longer have to figure out a crazy solution for those large attachments that won’t fit in an e-mail. Simply send them the dropbox link to download the file!
Need to access a document on your smartphone, but can’t open it because you don’t have the necessary program? Sometimes you simply need to access your other computer from a remote location. Teamviewer allows you to access one of your other computers with a simple access code and password. Control your desktop from your smartphone, control your desktop with another desktop, and more. Always have access to your business wherever you may be.
Having a hard time remembering all of those passwords? On the inverse, is your password “123456” for everything and you think it’s safe? Download Roboform, which will sync across all devices. The kicker here is that Roboform can automatically log you into programs. When you log into a program for the first time, simply allow Roboform to remember the credentials. Every time you use the same website, Roboform will log you in with a single click. Use this for every program you log into during the day and you’re talking about a nice time savings. Also take advantage of Roboform’s password generator to come up with unique, secure passwords for every program!
Still feel comfortable jotting down notes on a piece of paper? Stop wasting your time and jump into the 21st century. It may be a little intimidating at first, but after a day or two of using any of the programs above, you’ll realize what you’ve been missing. Allow these programs to save you time so you can focus on what you do best – running your business.