You’re working on a customer’s broken outlet and the homeowner walks up to you to ask a million questions.
What’s the final price for the outlet repair? Are you able to add a new outlet in another room while you’re here? Can you put a dimmer on this switch? Can I see an updated invoice?
You start to fumble through your paperwork. You can’t quickly create an updated invoice by hand. You can’t remember what your next job is, so you’re not sure if you can stay to install the new items.
This kind of scenario happens every day to unprepared, busy electrician businesses who are simply behind the curve. They think they can manage everything with a pen and paper and remember their projects off the top of their heads. There are a variety of reasons why this business owner is destined to fail without the right business management software for electricians that allows the business to schedule, invoice, and manage their customers out in the field:
It’s Unprofessional
Imagine instead if the electrician had pulled out his tablet, generated an updated invoice for the customer, and scheduled the next appointment right then and there? Instead of failing customer expectations, you’re now exceeding them. With mobile phone software for electricians, you don’t need to be unprepared and can condense tasks into an easier solution that all team members can utilize.
It’s a Waste of Time
Why should you have to go back to your office to generate an invoice or spend time handwriting invoices and calculating tax and totals? Why give a call to every single member of your team to tell them where to go? Why are you wasting so much time? With mobile software for electricians, you can quickly and easily dispatch team members, update jobs throughout the day wherever you are.
It’s a Waste of Money
You’re paying for paper, ink, folders and notebooks, all on top of your extremely valuable labor time. Imagine eliminating all of those unnecessary expenses and saving money in labor hours. Take all the time you spend going back and forth to the office to do paperwork, calling different team members, creating and updating invoices by hand, and remembering your upcoming projects, and condense it all into a single, easy to use mobile software that works with any device.
Find a business management software with full featured mobile apps to keep you running your business from the office or on the go while also equipping your team members with the information they need to get the job done. In a time of rising costs in every aspect of business, finding ways to improve your efficiency and bottom line are crucial. Having every member of your team using a cohesive, simple program to keep track of the business helps keep you in the loop and them informed on where to go next.